Laurie, one of my best friends from high school, suggested that we should celebrate turning 50 by going to the AARP convention. I thought it was hilarious. Most of the others apparently didn't as only one other person showed up (and it was great fun to see her--thanks Gwill!). We should also give Carla big points for trying to show up but she had to stay home and be awarded some prestigious award as a fancy pants lawyer, but that's her story so I will let her tell it.
We had a blast. We stayed in a verrrrrrry fancy hotel in Boston, high above the Convention center, ate room service pizza and some other stuff, wandered around with a TON of people (something like 25,000 people go to this thing), saw Earth Wind & Fire and Lily Tomlin, also saw Maya Angelou in conversation with Whoopie Goldberg, and finally, watched stalker Laurie chase down Bob Newhart. (OK, it wasn't quite that dramatic but it was fun and funny--she asked him if he was from Cleveland and he said No, that's Tim Conway. Guess you had to be there.) I also blew through the vendor mall and got freebies and brochures and wondered how people chose whether to peddle their wares there or not. It was an interesting selection of vendors which ranged from Home Depot and General Nutrition to realtors in Costa Rica and NOAA (National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration).
Laurie and Gwill are EW&F fans and they liked the concert very much. I recognized some of the songs but as Monica always said to me in college, you like singers who play guitars, so these weren't really on my radar. All I can say is they play the heck out of the music and put on a big fun show, even for a bunch of old guys...Lily Tomlin, who opened that show, was also good though it felt like it went on a bit long. Maya Angelou was to me the standout of the whole experience. She was a riot. Though she came out in a wheelchair, she said she had wanted to run out like a gazelle but it was not to be. Our favorite story was when she talked about birthdays. Up until her most recent (79), she had given a party for herself with presents for the guests. This time, she figured it was time to do something extravagant, ostentatious even as long as it didn't hurt anyone (and as long as it didn't hurt her children too much!). She said, I bought myself a Rolls Royce...and I have two pretty men to drive it. Ha. The audience roared. This was not what we all expected from a woman of her stature.
For your 2008 calendars: the next AARP convention is in Washington DC in September (4-6). Laurie and I already have reservations. Judy Collins, Cal Ripken and Gene Simmons are already signed up--and my favorite: Clinton Kelly from WHAT NOT TO WEAR, my favorite show, will be talking about Dressing over 50. Come on down!!
From Boston, we took the most wonderful bus (Concord Trailways) to a seaside village near where Laurie lives. This is the way flying used to be. The driver was friendly and helpful, the movies (2), pretzels and water were all free and plentiful. It was charming.
And Maine is lovely. I spent part of the time with Laurie and her husband Chris and charming dog, Saver, and part of it with Darla, her hubby Joe and our friend Betsy. All were gracious generous hosts and I saw lots of cool scenery including some large percentage of the 3000 miles of coastline (or whatever it is). I look forward to returning.