Monday, March 10, 2014

So much to say, so little time to write it

I had hoped to write something along the way but apparently there just aren't enough hours in the day. I could've worked on it while waiting for dinner or lunch to arrive (dinners tended to take 3 hours, lunches a wee bit less with a group of between 11-18. We don,t want to think everyone in South Africa has to wait so long!)

Yesterday, Amelie and I collected the rental car and left our group/family of the previous eleven days. It has been an adjustment. I miss them. It is hard to believe we won't have the camaraderie at breakfast, Betsy counting to make sure we are all here, an excursion to meet people/see stuff/do things. Ah yes, change is good but this one was unsettling.

The group part of the African Adventure is over. We traveled with South Africa Partners to Johannesburg, East London, and Cape Town (I so want that to be one word), meeting remarkable leaders of the anti-apartheid movement, similarly remarkable workers in education and healthcare (but less famous), and having a remarkable time. The sights were great, the food was delicious (I've now eaten kudu, impala, ostrich, springbok, and wildebeest.), and the company was stimulating.

Note: It is now a three weeks later and I am home and working on a wrap-up of the trip. I'm going to post this anyway, but know it was meant to be longer and maybe I will remember what I meant to say.

1 comment:

Gini said...
